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Eagle Close up | Golden-crowned Kinglet | Wood duck Drake | Black throated grey sided warbler |
Male Bluebird | Chestnut-backed Chickadee2 | Common Loon | Evening Grosbeak |
Barred Owl Close | Fox Sparrow | Golden-crowned sparrow 1 | Kildeer |
Stellar's Jay | Northern Pygamy Owl | Grebe & babes | Purple Finch Male |
Brewer's Blackbird | Varied Thrush8 | Common Loon | Pacific Slope flycatcher 2 |
MacGillavray's Warbler 2 | Common Yellow-throat | Pileated woodpecker | Immature Yellow Warbler 1 |
Surf scoter Male | Anna's PortraitAnna's hummingbird | Hutton's Vireo | Grebe Mating DanceEared Grebes |
Red-breasted Sapsucker | Tennesee Warbler | Black Scoter Pair | Dark-eyed Junco |
Cinnamon Teal | Ring-necked pheasant | Spotted Sandpiper | Pacific Wren |
Spotted Sandpiper | Black-necked stilt | Mourning Dove | Yellow-bellied sapsuckerJuvenile |
Dusky Flycatcher | Hooded Merganser Drake | Harlequin | Black crowned Night heron |
Blue Heron | Red-eyed Vireo | Ring-necked duck | Red-necked grebe |
Clay-coloured sparrow | Great Grey OwlThis beautiful owl had just made a kill with it's talons under the snow! | Western Grebe | Red-tailed HawkJuvenile |
American Goldfinch | Yellow rumped warbler Audubon | Least flycatcher | Forsters Tern |
Mountain Chickadee Portrait | Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Elegant AvocetAmerican Avocet in flight! | Short-Eared Owl |
Pine Siskin | Canvasback | Hitching a rideFemale Merganser and chicks! | Boreal Chickadee |
Female Northern Flicker | Red-headed duck portrait | Great Gray Owl with prey | Cedar Waxwing |
Western Tanager | Savannah sparrow | White breasted Nuthatch | Catbird |
Flycatcher | Snowy Owl | Western Meadowlark | Great Gray Owl |
Blue-Winged Teal Take off | Going inForster's tern diving! | Female Wood duck | Snowy Flight |
Blue-winged Teal Pair | Female Bluebird | Avocet | Pintail Pair |
Cinnamon Teal | Widgeon | Short Eared Owl Close-up | Eastern Kingbird |
Female Widgeon | Northern Pintail | Tree Swallow | Osprey departure |
Merganser Couple | Lesser Scaup pair | Western Kingbird | Yellow Warbler |
Mallard family | Ruddy Duck | House Wren | Elegant Pelican |
Townsend's Warbler | Grackle | Vesper Sparrow | Female Downey Woodpecker |
Blackpoll WarblerIn Fall Plumage | Lincoln's Sparrow | American Pelican | Wilson's snipe |
Pine Grosbeak | Boreal Chickadee | Wilson's Warbler(Male) | Warbling Vireo |
Yellow-Headed Blackbird | Yellow-headed BlackbirdFemale | Osprey | Red-winged BlackbirdMale |
Blue winged teal | Male Northern Flicker | Male Merganser | Black-necked Stilt |
Downey WoodpeckerMale | Little Grebe | Eye ContactBlack-capped Chickadee | Barn Swallow |
Creche NaptimeGoslings at sunset | White-Crowned Sparrow | Tree Swallow | Red-Winged BlackbirdFemale |
Hairy WoodpeckerMale | Red-tailed Hawk | Mountain Chickadee | Eastern Phoebe |
Solitary Sandpiper | Male Pine Grosbeak | SleepyheadCanada Goose gosling | Willit |
Belted Kingfisher | Merlin | The DepartureGreat Horned Owl Family | American Robin |
Willet in Flight | Red-Breasted Nuthatch Male | Alder Flycatcher | Juvenile WaxwingCedar Waxwing |
Redpoll | Eared Grebe | Swainson Hawk |
Birds of Canada
As a photographer I am passionate about wildlife. This is a selection of some beautiful birds that I have been fortunate to see and come close to on my travels. Just hover over the bottom of each photo to see names of species.
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